Great advice. I also recommend a few minutes of meditation before going into a meeting that you suspect beforehand as one that will involve listening to or interacting with coworkers who often trigger such overflowing emotions. You can't change who they are but you can change how you react to them. Not easy, but worth the effort!

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Well said. Meditation is what helped me develop the ability to name my thoughts and emotions, not judge them and regulate my breathing so it regulates my nervous system. It's such an enabler for all other tips, highly recommend!

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🥰 lovely. Thanks for sharing

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Nice article! Thanks for sharing it :)

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I am glad to have read this today. Thank you for sharing!! I vouch for the impact of practicing mindfulness. It has changed my life for better.

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I completely agree with these valuable tips for managing our reactions in the moment during challenging conversations. They're excellent strategies for staying composed and productive.

I'd like to add that after the situation, it's also beneficial to engage in some self-reflection. Ask yourself why you feel irritated. Could it stem from childhood experiences where parents didn't listen? Or perhaps from past rejections? This kind of introspection can help us understand our automatic reactions better and potentially address their root causes.

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